Change is constant, but there are different levels of change within an organisation. Change management principles and techniques are not sufficient when it comes to transformational projects. Change management means implementing finite initiatives, which may or may not cut across the organisation. The objective of transformation is not just to execute a defined change, but to reinvent the organisation, change culture and behaviours, and discover (rather than create) a new way of working based on a vision for the future.

In this regard, Logical Design Solutions writes:

it is critical to view digital transformation in terms of its overall impact on the organization. The ideal outcome is alignment not only with the business vision, but also a deep integration of the digital initiative with the purpose, day-to-day work and underlying ethic of the entire ecosystem. In so doing, the organizational purpose then becomes the driver of digital transformation, rather than the converse.

In research studies, executives acknowledge that digital transformation efforts were being siloed from the workforce and that not enough time is spent identifying, analysing and designing organisational support according to the needs of employees.

Current challenges for business is more far-reaching than ever before. Management’s best efforts will fail if all workers are not assisted in planning for and responding to inevitable changes in the business model and work practices.  

Let us work together.

Dr Gerhard van Rensburg

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