The leadership challenge
Excellence is mostly a matter of balance. As Aristotle said wisely, the challenge is not only to do the right thing, but to do the right thing at the right time for the right reason. This is the hallmark of a good leader; one who inherently knows what the ‘right thing’ is and how it is to be done at any given time as the situation presents itself. Today with...
We don’t need a clock – we need a compass
If the challenges for business organisations were complex before the Covid-19 pandemic, then it has certainly become much more so since. Finding the...
Vulnerability – the birthplace of innovation
The Covid-19 pandemic and 21st-century interconnectivity led to the shared experience of disillusionment and vulnerability on planet earth … and...
Trend-awareness, Covid 19 and beyond
Today, much more so than in the past, no business can afford to narrowly focus only on its day-to-day operations, competitors and more immediate...
Time to work on, not only in, the system
We are constantly challenged to wake up to new realities. This year more than ever. As I listen to people – and myself – there is a sense of...
Organisational transformation
Change is constant, but there are different levels of change within an organisation. Change management principles and techniques are not sufficient...
Consider the need for big picture thinking and market awareness
Sitting on the side-line while the rate of change in our interconnected world increases exponentially, is not an option. No one can escape the...
Authentic leadership and change
Over the years, different theories of leadership were prominent at different times. One can think of the trait, behavioural, contingency,...
Are you a critical thinker?
In a world with a constant and increasing stream of information and messages of all kinds demanding your attention, critical thinking is of the...
Make innovations a daily habit
‘Innovation’ is one of the buzzwords in business in recent times. The reason for it is the accelerated pace of new innovations and the pressure not...
Effective communication
In our fast-paced high-tech world it is easy to overestimate the quick-fix tools we use to solve problems or reach our goals. We typically...
To be grounded
These days no one disputes the fact that we are generally overwhelmed by the pace and pervasiveness of change. Especially in the light of the havoc...
From empowered corporations to empowered people
Few in business would disagree that the result of being too late in making the necessary changes – changes in approach, mindset, strategy and...
Pause, rethink and unlearn
In our fast-paced high-tech world it is easy to overestimate the quick-fix tools we use to solve problems or reach our goals. We typically...
Habits of hope
If we lose hope we lose everything. Hope, in this sense, is the fire in your heart that drives you to go forward, conscious that life is precious...
It’s both doing and being agile
In a Boston Consulting Group study, senior executives were asked to rank the relative importance of eight agile enablers. “Leadership, culture, and...
For success, be very nimble and very open-minded
In a global YPO survey, 2,572 chief executives participated in giving their views and insights on how they plan to navigate in a post-COVID-19...